Sweet agony - 'Ma douleur exquise'
A magique moment captured by -sels-
Have you felt - I have – a pain that you enjoyed ?
Do they say about you, too: How strange he is!
- I was dying, and a special agony
Filled my eager soul: dread and desire
Anguish and expectation – no sense of revolt.
The closer I came to what would be the end,
The sharper was my torment and the more welcome;
My heart was wrenching free from the usual world.
Connais-tu, comme moi, la douleur savoureuse,
Et de toi fais-tu dire: ‘ Oh! L’homme singulier ! ’
-J’allais mourir. C’était dand mon âme amoureuse,
Désir mêlé d’horreur,un mal particulier;
Angoisse et vif espoir, sans humeur factieuse.
Plus allait se vidant le fatal sablier,
Plus ma toture était âpre et delicieuse;
Tout mon Coeur s’arrachait au monde familier.
Charles Beaudelaire - Les Fleurs du Mal -
Just like music, Charles Beaudelaire's poemes soothe my anguished soul. They take me back to my adolescent days when I sought solace in poetry.
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